Enjoy Dave's artworks & illustration projects...
Some clik to enlarge... Others rollover to flip images...

cover art for CD project
"No More Heroes"
portrays the loss of leadership
in many areas our society.

pastel pencil & marker

Illustration for a poster, a T-shirt & a future book.
Drawn by 2 of Dave's kids: Bethany (7) & Jeremy (9), with help from dad.

Dave's first book illustration is a wild motorcycle humor book by Bryan Duncan
Bryan is an award-winning Christian singer & a biker fanatic.
Hogwash is a collection of biker top ten lists & Bryan's odd stories from his odyssey on 2-wheels.

Get yer motor running and get ready for Snoutly & friends...

Order me from the sites above or email Dave: EdenJCU@juno.com