Dave learned how to see & paint THE BIG PICTURE during his decade in the outdoor advertising industry.
He worked at a billboard company in Champaign, IL & later in his own Eden Signs in Illinois & Texas.
The following billboards were designed by Dave and also painted by him on wood, metal or paper.
Today the design and production work is mostly done digitally with computers and applied to vinyl.
The era of the hand-painted billboard has vanished, but not so the hand-painted mural!
Dave designed these 2 colorful visions of faith for a church in Wylie, TX
Dave still fondly recalls:
"My very favorite billboard: when I married my best friend!" From 25 years ago!
Dave's award-winning billboard campaign for the radio station that broadcasts
University of Illinois Fighting Illini sports; Champaign-Urbana, IL
Here's an old memory from Dave's archives.
The sign guys make a new friend (literally!) who teaches them how to hang in there!
Double billboards borrowed from DaVinci make some fine art & advertising; Champain-Urbana, IL
Helping the churches get the Word out! Rantoul, IL
A bold bank billboard promising the big bucks; Paxton, IL
A younger Dave, before computers, did hand-painted illustrations like this one, for an apt. complex.